This is a gorgeous rosary that is made with red snakeskin jasper that has natural swirls of cream running through it and is highlighted with creamy river stones. I used blackened pewter from TierraCast for all of the beads and fittings to add a nice dark look to the red and cream of the jasper and the river stone. I used a black enameled crucifix that features the crown with thorns that is 1.5" long and a silver-toned center that compliments the silver in the crucifix. Both the crucifix and the center are from Italy. Each Our Father bead is featured by two blackened TierraCast bead caps and each river stone is also held by two TierraCast bead caps. The overall look of this rosary is very rustic and it reminds me of the red brick and cream marble of ancient Rome.
Each sale of this rosary will have 20% of the proceeds being donated towards GK Chesterton Entertainment, which is a non-profit entertainment company that is spearheaded by Maria Vargo and The Chosen's own Jonathan Roumie.